Delivery period

It depends on which shipping method you are choosing for the parcel.
EMS: 5-10 business days
Parcel POST: 15-30 business days
Registered Small Packet and K-packet: 20-40 business days
But sometimes it takes longer than that due to the delivery circumstances of the destination country.


Tracking number provided does not work.
- It usually takes 1-2 business days for tracking information to be registered on the site.
If it is still not visible after a few days, please contact us via 1:1 service board on our website.

Tracking result indicates that the package is missing.
- If the tracking result appears to be 'missing', please contact us via 1:1 service board on our site.
You can proceed with a damage claim to the post office after checking.
The process will take about 90 days, and depending on the result, compensation will be paid from the post office.

Tracking information is not updated.
- Update of tracking information is not automated but manually entered by the post office staff.
Therefore, it may not be updated in real-time and that could make you think that the package is not being processed properly.
However, if the delivery status turns out to be normal, please wait until the average delivery date for the selected shipping method.


PayPal transaction shows that it's expired.
- PayPal payment must be completed within 24 hours.
If the transaction appears to be 'expired', please place the order again.

Does the shipping cost include taxes?
- The shipping charges you paid on our site do not include tax.
As for the payment of taxes, customs authorities in each country have full authority and information and it is not shared with us.
If the tax requested by the Customs is not paid, the package will be returned to us; any damages or lost caused during this process will not be compensated.
When the returned package arrives, the amount will be refunded except shipping and return charges after checking the contents.

Privacy Policy

It depends on which shipping method you are choosing for the parcel.
EMS: 5-10 business days
Parcel POST: 15-30 business days
Registered Small Packet and K-packet: 20-40 business days
But sometimes it takes longer than that due to the delivery circumstances of the destination country.


1. Add the desired goods in your shopping cart.
2. Confirm the goods and quantity then proceed to checkout.
3. Fill in the address and click 'Continue'
4. Select the desired shipping method and click 'Continue'
5. Confirm the necessary options at the 'Shipping Notice' part and proceed with payment.

Pre Order

Pre order means the album ordered within the preorder period.
In most cases, First press products are available during this period, and you can select Pre order Benefit and posters.
However, this may change due to the manufacturing circumstances.


I forgot my account ID.
- Please use 'Forgot your account?' on the Login page.

I forgot my passwords.
- Please use 'Find passwrods' on the Login page.